The First Step

A quick writing piece I wrote while offline.

Some people say that the scariest part of going on a journey is taking the first step. I've always felt that way, too. But I think I'm ready to take that first step and forge my path.

There have been bad times in my life, and there will be plenty more. It's a fact of life. Not every day will be the best, and that's okay. Sure, I may have had bad experiences. Sure, they may have dictated my life and prevented me from growing. But now, I'm learning and changing every day.

This is a fresh start. I'm going to make the most of it. I will take the first step with a smile on my face because I know my journey has finally, truly begun. I'm ready to start living instead of hiding. I'm done running.

It's time to make new memories and new friends. I'm going to reach new heights.